
So I suppose the important question here is, why should I blog? Does anyone care what I have to say? For that matter, do I even care what I have to say?  And if anyone cares, they can only find this site if I tell them about it, and then they are so enamored of what I have to say that they would tell someone else, and so on.  I’m a fairly smart person, and I have some strong opinions (and some wishy-washy ones, too).  Let me experimant with it for a while, and see if it is any fun.  Maybe it will turn into a slot-car blog, and the select group of slot-car enthusiasts with whom I race would be interested.  Probably be more interested if I was competitive with them, which I am not.  iI am not a good driver.  The other cars on the track freak me out a little, and I don’t just drive the track.   I’m not that good a car builder, either, but I’ve improved a lot in that regard.  I just got some new parts and bodies.  I built a car from scratch the other day, and it seems to be pretty fast.  I have some work to do on it.

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